Silver-Eared Mesia: Discovering the Shimmering Colors and Endearing Personality of this Bird

Five-colored bird/ Silver earring (male) – Silver-eared mesia (male), Ba Vi, 7/2019 Five-colored bird/Silver-eared gold (female) – Silver-eared mesia (female), Tam Dao, May 2020 Describe: The iridescent bird (or silver…

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Himalayan Tree-Climbing – White-Tailed Nuthatch: Exploring the Unique Habits and Beautiful Plumage of this Bird

Himalaia tree climbing – White tailed nuthatch, Fanxipan, October 2019 Describe: Himalaia tree climbers are similar in size to other tree climbers (about 12 cm). The bird has a purple-blue upper…

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Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush: Exploring the Charming Songs and Beautiful Plumage of this Bird

Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush, Bach Ma 8/2017 Describe: The Collared Babbler is a large babbler of the nightingale family, brown, sepia and white, with a narrow, black collar running from the…

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Exploring the Enchanting Realm of White-Throated Kingfisher

Sả Đầu Nâu – White throated kingfisher, Mã Đà, 4/2019 Mô tả: Sả đầu nâu là chim bói cá có kính thước lớn có chiều dài 27-28 cm. Lưng, cánh…

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Javan Frogmouth: Unveiling the Nocturnal Beauty and Mysterious Lifestyle of a Bird with a Unique Beak

Wide-billed owl / Javan frogmouth, Ma Tu, 4/2022 Describe The broad-billed owl is a medium-sized species in the group of croaked owls (about 24 cm). The bird has a very broad…

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Black-Crowned Fulvetta: Exploring the Charming Appearance and Ecological Importance of a Small Bird with a Big Impact on its Ecosystem

Black crowned fulvetta – Black crowned fulvetta, Yangly, 1/2020 Describe: Black-necked splitter is a medium-sized species in the splenic group (about 12 cm). The bird has a distinctive black crest with…

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Glossy Ibis: Discovering the Graceful Appearance and Ecological Significance of a Wading Bird with a Unique Habitat

Black kumquat – Glossy ibis, Thanh Mien, 5/2020 Describe: The stork is a small-sized species in the stork group (about 60 cm). During the breeding season, the bird has dark brown…

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Pale Blue Flycatcher: Discovering the Subtle Elegance and Ecological Significance of a Small Bird with a Big Impact

Pale Blue Flycatcher, Da Lat, 10/2018. Describe: Light gray flycatchers (males) have characteristic pale green plumage and a discontinuous black stripe from the eye to the upper part of the…

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Vibrant and Charismatic: Discovering the Yellow-Bellied Fantail’s Playful Nature and Stunning Beauty

Yellow bellied fantail – Yellow bellied fantail, 10/2020 Describe: Yellow-bellied cypress is the smallest species in the group (about 12 cm). The bird has a prominent black face with bright yellow…

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The Cut-throat Finch: A Beautiful Bird with a Red-Throated Plumage and a Cheerful Song

COMMON NAMES The cut-throat finch is also known as the bearded finch, ribbon finch or the weaver finch. Its scientific name is Amadina fasciata. It comes from the family Estrildidae….

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